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mercredi 21 décembre 2011

IN ENGLISH!!! Yazd - Merry Christmas!

Hi everybody!
First of all, I want to apologize for my english, which is not so good as it should!
I wish a Merry Christmas to you and your family!
In the hostel in Esfahan, we meet Adrien, a young swiss cyclist from Fribourg. I had some contact with him before through an internet forum and Marek met him twice in Turkey. We share some good moments with him and with Erick, a southcorean cyclist.
But, now it's time to leave Esfahan for Marek and me, after one week spent in this beautiful city. We saw there so many wonderful buildings, that we don't know, if we will be able to appreciate other sights after Esfahan!
On the first day of cycling, we ride approximately 100 km to reach Tudeshk. It is an ancient mudbrick village at 2000 meters. We had reservedfor the night by Mohammad who transformed the family house in a guest house and do also local guide for tourists. In the morning, we go with him and a south corean couple to the sand dunes not far away and visit the village of Tudeshk. In the afternoon, we have just enough time to reach Na'in, approx. 50 km from Tudeshk.
Two days later, we arrive in Yazd, where we meet again Erick, who arrived before us in Yazd. But he reeched Yazd by the easy way, by taking the bus! We meet also Tom, a Kiwi, who cycles from New Zealand to Scotland. In the hostel, we know approx. everybody. The main part of the tourist staying here were at the same hostel as us in Esfahan.
I really love the old city of Yazd, made of mudbricks. We get easily lost in it's small alleys!

See you!

PS : For the english readers, I will try to translate some of my futuretexts in english, but probably not all! The best way to follow my trip is still to learn french!

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